Tet Holiday in Vietnam


Tet Holiday in Vietnam: A Deep Dive into Tradition and Celebration

Introduction to Tet

Vietnam's Lunar New Year, known as Tet Nguyen Dan or Tet for short, is the most significant holiday in Vietnamese culture. It marks the arrival of spring based on the lunar calendar, and is a time for reunions, paying respects to ancestors, and ushering in a new year filled with hope and prosperity.


Historical Background

Historically, Tet has its roots in ancient agricultural practices and the worship of deities associated with harvest and fertility. Originating from the Chinese lunar calendar, the holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years, embedding itself deeply into the cultural fabric of Vietnam. Traditional rituals and festivities have evolved over centuries, blending indigenous customs with influences from neighboring cultures.


Preparation Activities

Cleaning The House

In the days leading up to Tet, it’s customary for Vietnamese families to thoroughly clean their homes. This tradition is known as "sweeping away bad luck." By ridding the house of clutter and dirt, families believe they are getting rid of any lingering bad luck from the previous year.

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